Thursday, December 24, 2009


Dreams are tricky fellows. We see them initially at a distance but don't have them. Yet they keep spurring us until we get them. When we once accomplish that 'something' we dreamt of, we should never be complacent. Have a new dream. If one doesn't get it at all in spite of the sweat and blood he poured out in its pursuit, he should never give up. Keep dreaming. For sometimes, may be that's all one can do. But have faith- newer dreams come true everyday. When one of my friends remarked the other day, that he has got no dreams, I was astonished. Even the most desperate person would possess a dream -knowingly or not- without which his life would be meaningless.
It's obvious that this doesn't imply that one has to simply sit cozily and dream. That'd be worst failure, to say. Working smart on the dream matters the most in turning them true.
Carl Sandburg reminds us, "nothing happens unless first we dream."
Dreams help us keep working and going on. They are the prophesies of successes in the future. Dreams are the blurred outlines shadowing out of nowhere but preceding a vision that's to bask in the clear light. The dream, be it any, lies in our hands. Give it forth or fold it tight. Make it happen or forget it. The choice is ours.

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