Words mirror our character.
"What comes out of the mouth comes from the heart."
So does the Bible exhort us to watch our words, for they are the external expression of our thoughts -transparent or concealed. Winston Churchill has rightly said,
"We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out."
If we truly open our eyes and see how words carry our disposition, we'll be amazed. Words are ourselves pulled inside out. The words that we let be spilled forth are our voluntary confessions of whom we truly are. If we try carefully observing our casual as well as intimate conversations with others, we'll be surprised to note that words are the basic ways we try to posit ourselves right or wrong, superior or inferior. This may be unintentional. Supplemented by our body language, this is an effort by our psyche to justify our deeds, or to establish ourselves. Words of consolation from our part help others to measure the extent to which we are considerate about others' feelings. While words of burlesque and priggishness never affect whom they are subjected to, but actually show how far we run back to our own selfish insides.
The words that we utter lead people to judge us. Of course its not just what or how we speak, but what and how they hear is equally important in conversations. It's however true that we can do very little about it. So it's always better to think before we speak. Once we let them out, words leave endless echoes. Let them then be sweet and beautiful resonances.
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